Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dove Evolution

This video sent waves of uncontrollable shivers down my spine.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show this to all who truly believe they know what the definition of REAL beauty pertains to.  Adverts in fashion magazines and major billboard campaigns have a way of portraying an image of ultimate perfection, something far from truth.   Granted, I don't mind a bit of photoshopping and I'm sure most people will jump at the opportunity to have a few "nip and tucks" here and there, but it’s not reality. Ultimately, the road to happiness inevitably comprises of reality and acceptance - especially during the prime time of youth, when people are establishing their identity, opinions of themselves, and their bodies.  The media constantly reinforces what body images are most socially acceptable, however what they fail to clarify is that what we compare ourselves to is as real as a cartoon drawing. People might as well try to emulate Bugs Bunny or even Barbie for that matter... I thought we had learned from that lesson back in the 60's, but I guess not.  We are still sold the "flawless body" in silicone, plastic, and photoshopped images. Will there ever be a time when we are NOT told we’ll be happy if we are just ________ enough?

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